"Kiersten is like a surgeon for the soul." - Jennifer M. PsyD

I'm one of too many people who has first-hand experience with anxiety, emotional trauma, divorce, financial struggles, sexual abuse, emotional trauma, and toxic relationships. 

I'm also one of many people who felt like something was wrong with me, that I needed to be fixed, and that life would always be a struggle. I wrestled for years with overpowering fears, suffocating self-doubt, and dozens of beliefs about myself that were completely disempowering.

Despite all that, I created a successful career and followed a  prescribed path to feel accomplished, happy, and fulfilled. Yet even when my life began to shine on paper, it felt empty, sad, and stressful inside.

When my son was born, I knew I couldn't raise him to be confident or brave and to trust himself when I hadn't mastered 
those things yet myself. 

I learned everything I could about becoming more positive, changing my mindset, healing trauma, shifting my energy, manifesting, and so much more. If it's out there, I've studied it and personally tried it, spending years sorting through what works, what doesn't, and an endless stream of one-size-fits-all systems that don't work for 
most people.

Learning how to integrate who I am at a soul level, clearing trapped emotional energy, and learning how to use my energy to support me changed my life, relationships and business. Even the most stubborn obstacles and  beliefs I had about myself 
melted away. 

I never imagined I would shift gears later in life to launch my own business, coach hundreds of clients, and publish two best-selling books while maintaining a successful career and creating a beautifully healthy and balanced relationship with a man I've known for more than forty-five years and whom I simply adore.

I've gone from the old days of overwhelming stress and frustration to a life that feels joyful, easy, and free without fearing mistakes, rejection, or worrying in the least about what other people think.

It's incredible how life begins to unfold and change in unimaginable ways once we become fully aligned within ourselves.

My Credentials:


Certified Soul Realignment™

Certified Master NLP Practitioner

Certified Quantum Human Design™ 

Certified Quantum Alignment System™

Certified Master TIME Techniques™ Practitioner

Certified EFT Practitioner

Certified Master Success and Life Coach

Certified Mindset Transformation Coach

Certified Master Hypnotherapist

Certified Confidence Coach

Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

Certified Body Code Practitioner

Certified Money Breakthrough Business Coach™

Certified Sacred Money Archetypes Coach™

Board Certified

Master Practitioner of NLP
Master Success Coach
Master Practitioner of T.I.M.E. Techniques
Master Hypnotherapist

*Board Certified Through International Board of Coaches and Practitioners

Certified Practitioner

Human Design
Quantum Human Design™
Quantum Alignment System™
Soul Realignment®
Body Code
Emotion Code
Sacred Money Archetypes
Money & Business Coaching
Master Transformation Coach


B.S. Management Bentley University

Doctor of Metaphysics Degree


#1 Best-Selling Book: All the Answers Are Within
#1 Best-Selling Book: Becoming Positively Awesome


Are We a Good Fit?

I love one-on-one relationships that are based on open and honest communication. The kind where 
we both show up as our authentic selves and completely relax in a safe, judgment-free zone.

Working with Me is a Good Fit if: 

✦ You know you're holding on to old thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and stories , and you're ready to release them
 (even if you don't know how)

✦ You want clarity around repeating patterns in your life

✦ You want to release negative  blocks, restrictions, constraints, and other energetic blocks 
that are creating resistance 

✦ You resonate with the idea that we are all spiritual beings (souls) living a physical experience

✦ You feel connected to my energy and a holistic approach that works with all of you (mind, body, and soul)

      In less than four sessions with Kiersten, I was able to have more confidence at work and deal with people who previously gave me anxiety, and my money increased significantly! Kiersten is quick at finding the root cause of things and why we do the things we do. I believe this contributes to why she has so much success with her clients. Thank you so much for everything!!! - Taylor 
      "As the father of a 14-year-old boy, I discovered by working with Kiersten that I was parenting my son in a way that didn't work for him or me. I've learned new strategies that are specific to both of us - so that I can help him navigate these difficult years of his life and mine. I understand both of us on a deeper and more personal level. Working with Kiersten has definitely made me a better parent! - Mathew
      "I so appreciate the sessions I had with Kiersten. She was able to surface and resolve emotions I must have been holding on to and suppressing without realizing it. It caused my tears to break but in a good way! Intense and powerful. Kiersten is so on point, too. Thank you so much for this experience."
      -Mitsuko (Georgia)
      As a result of sessions with Kiersten, I have a much better understanding of who I am, my strengths and weakness, and now I understand some of the conflicts I've had in the past as a result of my approach. She broke everything down into simple terms, and I'm living in better harmony with those I love. I strongly suggest setting up a session with Kiersten.
      -Kathy (Florida) 
      If you are like me, a bit of a seeker, for peace, true in your bones happiness, and a sense of purpose and you feel like you may be self sabotaging your own forward movement …. work with Kiersten. She will help you understand your blocks, where they come from, shift them, change your energy, and reach the potential you know deep down is possible."
      - Kim (Northeast) 
      I came to Kiersten drained and burned out. After one session, I had my motivation and confidence back. I highly recommend her to anyone, especially skeptics.
      - Andrew (Ohio)

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